Go 1.6 is now in trusty-proposed

Cheryl Jennings cheryl.jennings at canonical.com
Mon Mar 28 15:34:24 UTC 2016

Addressing flaky tests is definitely a long term goal we should have.

Given that we are aiming for beta4 next week, I'd rather our energies in
the short term are directed at fixing stakeholder bugs than fixing
intermittent failures that prevent us from releasing because we are no
longer retrying tests.

On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 10:27 AM, Katherine Cox-Buday <
katherine.cox-buday at canonical.com> wrote:

> While agreeing with the spirit of your email, Cheryl, I'd like to opine
> that in the long-term fixing flaky tests will improve the code and help to
> fix (and prevent!) bugs.
> Put another way, flaky tests are indirectly causing pain for our users.
> On 03/28/2016 10:24 AM, Cheryl Jennings wrote:
> These intermittently failing unit tests are often due to unreliable unit
> tests, rather than problems in the code.  As nice as it would be to not
> have to retry tests (particularly unit tests), I'd much rather we spend our
> precious resources on fixing bugs that are causing pain for our users.
> There are currently 168 Triaged bugs targeted against 2.0-beta4 [0], many
> of which have been reported by actual users and have been deferred release
> after release.  For comparison, there are 18 go 1.5 /1.6 bugs found by CI.
> Thanks,
> -Cheryl
> [0] https://launchpad.net/juju-core/+milestone/2.0-beta4
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 9:08 AM, Nate Finch <nate.finch at canonical.com>
> wrote:
>> +1, don't retry... devs need to feel the pain in order to get proper
>> motivation to fix this stuff...
>> On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 9:03 AM Katherine Cox-Buday <
>> katherine.cox-buday at canonical.com> wrote:
>>> Just wanted to say thank you 100x to all involved!
>>> On 03/24/2016 01:03 AM, Michael Hudson-Doyle wrote:
>>> > Hi,
>>> >
>>> > As of a few minutes ago, there is now a golang-1.6 package in
>>> > trusty-proposed:
>>> > https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/golang-1.6 (thanks for the
>>> > review and copy, Steve).
>>> >
>>> > One difference between this and the package I prepared earlier is that
>>> > it does not install /usr/bin/go but rather /usr/lib/go-1.6/bin/go so
>>> > Makefiles and such will need to be adjusted to invoke that directly or
>>> > put /usr/lib/go-1.6/bin on $PATH or whatever. (This also means it can
>>> > be installed alongside the golang packages that are already in
>>> > trusty).
>>> >
>>> > Cheers,
>>> > mwh
>>> > (Hoping that we can now really properly ignore gccgo-4.9 ppc64el bugs!)
>>> >
>>> > On 17 February 2016 at 07:58, Michael Hudson-Doyle
>>> > <michael.hudson at canonical.com> wrote:
>>> >> I have approval for the idea but also decided to wait for 1.6 and
>>> upload
>>> >> that instead. I'm also on leave currently so hopefully this can all
>>> happen
>>> >> in early March.
>>> >>
>>> >> Cheers,
>>> >> mwh
>>> >>
>>> >> On 17/02/2016 1:17 am, "John Meinel" < <john at arbash-meinel.com>
>>> john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:
>>> >>> To start with, thanks for working on this. However, doesn't this also
>>> >>> require changing the CI builds to use your ppa?
>>> >>>
>>> >>> What is the current state of this? I was just looking around and
>>> noticed
>>> >>> golang1.5-go isn't in anything specific for Trusty that I can see. I
>>> realize
>>> >>> if its going into an SRU it requires a fair amount of negotiation
>>> with other
>>> >>> teams, so I'm not  surprised to see it take a while. I just wanted
>>> to check
>>> >>> how it was going.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Thanks,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> John
>>> >>> =:->
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 7:32 AM, Michael Hudson-Doyle
>>> >>> <michael.hudson at canonical.com> wrote:
>>> >>>> Hi all,
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> As part of the plan for getting Go 1.5 into trusty (see here
>>> >>>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MichaelHudsonDoyle/Go15InTrusty) I've built
>>> >>>> packages (called golang1.5-go rather than golang-go) for trusty in
>>> my
>>> >>>> ppa:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> https://launchpad.net/~mwhudson/+archive/ubuntu/go15-trusty/+packages
>>> <https://launchpad.net/%7Emwhudson/+archive/ubuntu/go15-trusty/+packages>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> (assuming 3:1.5.3-0ubuntu4 actually builds... I seem to be having a
>>> >>>> "make stupid packaging mistakes" day)
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> I'll write up a SRU bug to start the process of getting this into
>>> >>>> trusty tomorrow but before it does end up in trusty it would seem
>>> like
>>> >>>> a good idea to run the CI tests using juju-core packages built with
>>> >>>> this version of the go compiler. Is that something that's feasible
>>> to
>>> >>>> arrange
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> The only packaging requirement should be to change the build-depends
>>> >>>> to be on golang1.5-go rather than golang-go or gccgo.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Cheers,
>>> >>>> mwh
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> --
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>>> >>>> Juju-dev at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> >>>> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>>> >>>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/juju-dev
>>> >>>
>>> --
>>> -
>>> Katherine
>>> --
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>> Juju-dev mailing list
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> --
> -
> Katherine
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