Warning: test suite not actually isolated

Anastasia Macmood anastasia.macmood at canonical.com
Fri Mar 18 00:59:43 UTC 2016


Thank you for discovering and working on this!

This sounds like an awful can of worms and should be addressed in a
dedicated manner.

I'll add it to the tech debt board and bug squad board with a reference
to your branch.

I am not sure that anyone on core has a capacity to tackle it right this
second but I am hoping that the bug squad can take it head-on soon \o/

Sincerely Yours,


On 17/03/16 19:43, John Meinel wrote:
> tl; dr: I need some help fixing our tests that are incorrectly not
> isolated from the real world.
> So...
> In investigating the bug with PatchValue and non pointer receivers, we
> realized that PatchValue calls AddCleanup. Which means that If you are
> doing:
> func ... SetUpSuite() {
>    s.PatchValue(&foo, safeFoo)
> }
> That PatchValue gets cleaned up in the first TearDownTest().Which
> means that the isolation you thought you were adding to the *Suite* is
> actually isolated only to the first test that gets run.
> I have a branch of "juju/testing" that fixes it so AddCleanup can be
> called at any time. If it is called before SetUpTest(), then it adds a
> cleanup to the Suite stack, otherwise it adds it to the current Test
> stack.
> But that breaks about 100 tests that weren't as isolated as they
> thought they were.
> It also breaks a few tests that were Patching values before calling
> IsolationSuite.SetUpTest/Suite(), eg:
> SetUpTest() {
>   PatchValue()
>   Base.SetUpTest()
> }
> My branch that starts working on this is at:
>  git at github.com:jameinel/juju unsafe-cleanups
> One of the big examples of bad tests is "provider/ec2". 52 tests fail
> because they either try to read from cloud-images.ubunt.com
> <http://cloud-images.ubunt.com> directly, or because they try to read
> from test:/streams/v1/index.sjson but don't accept the signature on
> those files.
> Is anyone able to help me tackle cleaning up our test suite?
> Thanks,
> John
> =:->

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