Juju 2.0 and local charm deployment

Ian Booth ian.booth at canonical.com
Fri Mar 4 05:55:02 UTC 2016

Hi folks

TL;DR we want to remove support for old style local charm repositories in Juju 2.0

Hopefully everyone is aware that Juju 2.0 and the charm store will support
multi-series charms. To recap, a multi-series charm is one which can declare
that it supports more than just the one series; you no longer need to have a
separate copy of the charm for precise vs trusty vs xenial. Note that all series
must be for the same OS so you'll still need separate charm sources for Windows
vs Ubuntu vs Centos.

Here's a link to the release notes

Juju 2.0 will also support deploying bundles natively

So, with multi-series charm support, local charm deployment is now also a lot
easier. Back in Juju 1.x, to deploy local charms you needed to set up a
so-called charm repository, with a proscribed directory layout. The directory
layout has one directory per series.

_ mycharms

You deployed using a local URL syntax:

$ juju deploy --repository ~/mycharms local:trusty/mysql

$ juju deploy --repository ~/mycharms local:bundle/openstack

The above structure was fine for when charms were duplicated for each series.
But one of the limitations is that you can't easily git checkout mycharm and
deploy straight from the vcs source on disk.

Juju 2.0 supports deploying charms and bundles straight from any directory,
including where you've checked out your launchpad/github charm source.

$ juju deploy ~/mygithubstuff/mysql

$ juju deploy ~/mygithubstuff/openstack/bundle.yaml

So the above combined with the consolidation of charms for many series into the
one source tree means that the old local repo support is not needed.

Will anyone complain if we drop local repos in Juju 2.0? Is there a use case
where it's absolutely required to retain this?

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