Dependency engine in the machine agent

Menno Smits menno.smits at
Thu Mar 3 02:03:55 UTC 2016

On 3 March 2016 at 10:54, Tim Penhey <tim.penhey at> wrote:

> Thanks Menno. That was very helpful.
> Apart from state connections, or api connections, what sort of resources
> are shared between workers?

Right now we have:

   - the agent manifold which outputs an Agent interface. This is used by
   many manifolds to access the agent's configuration.
   - the leadership manifold which outputs a leadership tracker for workers
   which need participate in leader elections.
   - the statetracker manifold which emits a boolean indicating whether a
   machine agent should be a state server (this is consumed by the state
   - a few manifolds which are used for synchronisation across workers
   (e.g. signalling when upgrades are complete)

There will be more resources added, including those to affect worker
behaviour for model migrations.

- Menno
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