We recorded some thoughts on logging at the quartz sprint

Reed O'Brien reed.obrien at canonical.com
Tue Jun 28 10:52:14 UTC 2016

Relevant to the conversation currently happening at the core sprint, we
recorded some thoughts on what to log at what level, when and where.
Thoughts and examples appreciated.

| Level | Audience  | Purpose                           | Example | I/O
Stream |
| ERROR | End User  | Conveys information that requires |         |
|       |           | immediate action. Triggers call   |         |
|       |           | tree/pager duty.                  |         |
| WARN  | End User  | Conveys information that requires |         |
|       |           | user intervention soon to ensure  |         |
|       |           | continuos smooth operation.       |         |
| INFO  | End User  | Conveys contextual "happy path"   |         |
|       |           | information about startup.        |         |
| DEBUG | Developer | Conveys detailed function level   |         |
|       |           | information to aid in isolating   |         |
|       |           | code paths during devleopement.   |         |
| TRACE | Developer | Conveys detailed branch level     |         |
|       |           | information to aid in isolating   |         |
|       |           | code paths during development.    |         |

Reed O'Brien
✉ reed.obrien at canonical.com
✆ 415-562-6797
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