A cautionary tale - mgo asserts

roger peppe rogpeppe at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 11:00:52 UTC 2016

OK, I understand now, I think.

The underlying problem is that subdocument searches in MongoDB
are order-sensitive.

For example, I just tried this in a mongo shell:

> db.foo.insert({_id: "one", x: {a: 1, b: 2}})
> db.foo.find({x: {a: 1, b: 2}})
{ "_id" : "one", "x" : { "a" : 1, "b" : 2 } }
> db.foo.find({x: {b: 2, a: 1}})

The second find doesn't return anything even though it contains
the same fields with the same values as the first.

Urk. I did not know about that. What a gotcha!

So it *could* technically be OK if the fields in the struct (and
any bson.D) are lexically ordered to match the bson Marshaler,
but well worth avoiding.

I think things would be considerably improved if mgo/bson preserved
order by default (by using bson.D) when unmarshaling.
Then at least you'd know that the assertion you specify
is exactly the one that gets executed.


On 8 June 2016 at 10:42, Menno Smits <menno.smits at canonical.com> wrote:
> On 8 June 2016 at 21:05, Tim Penhey <tim.penhey at canonical.com> wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> tl;dr: not use structs in transaction asserts
>> ...
>> The solution is to not use a field struct equality, even though it is easy
>> to write, but to use the dotted field notation to check the embedded field
>> values.
> To give a more concrete example, asserting on a embedded document field like
> this is problematic:
>   ops := []txn.Op{{
>       C: "collection",
>       Id: ...,
>       Assert: bson.D{{"some-field", Thing{A: "foo", B: 99}}},
>       Update: ...
>   }
> Due to the way mgo works[1], the document the transaction operation is
> asserting against may have been written with A and B in reverse order, or
> the Thing struct in the Assert may have A and B swapped by the time it's
> used. Either way, the assertion will fail randomly.
> The correct approach is to express the assertion like this:
>   ops := []txn.Op{{
>       C: "collection",
>       Id: ...,
>       Assert: bson.D{
>           {"some-field.A", "foo"},
>           {"some-field.B", 99},
>       },
>       Update: ...
>   }
> or this:
>   ops := []txn.Op{{
>       C: "collection",
>       Id: ...,
>       Assert: bson.M{
>           "some-field.A": "foo",
>           "some-field.B": 99,
>       },
>       Update: ...
>   }
>> Yet another thing to add to the list of things to check when doing
>> reviews.
> I think we can go a bit further and error on attempts to use structs for
> comparison in txn.Op asserts in Juju's txn layers in state. Just as we
> already do some munging and checking of database operations to ensure
> correct multi-model behaviour, we should be able to do this same for this
> issue and prevent it from happening again.
> - Menno
> [1] If transaction operations are loaded and used from the DB (more likely
> under load when multiple runners are acting concurrently), the Insert,
> Update and Assert fields are loaded as bson.M (this is what the bson
> Unmarshaller does for interface{} typed fields). Once this happens field
> ordering is lost.
> --
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