Docker compose in Juju

Gayan Gunarathne csegayan at
Tue Jun 7 05:30:29 UTC 2016

Hi Samuel,

Thank you very much for the details.

As you mention if we wrap the Docker image in the Charm, it is just like a
single instance.Isn't? It just like that I run this docker containers in a
single instance in IaaS like EC2, GCE etc. Within this instance it will
spawn the containers. So for my deployment I need to manager it within the
docker image in the Charm.Isn't?


On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 7:39 PM, Samuel Cozannet <
samuel.cozannet at> wrote:

> Hi Gayan,
> Juju cannot operate with app containers as it operates with "os-based"
> systems.
> The difference is that Juju expects the node it spins to run a Juju agent.
> In the case of a Docker container, which runs a single process, that would
> mean the sole purpose of the container is running... Juju itself. So long
> for your app.
> So that means Juju cannot provision Docker containers "directly" (which is
> what you seem to expect with the provider idea).
> If you want to run Docker containers via Juju, you have the following
> methods:
> * Wrap the Docker image in the charm. Essentially, the charm would then be
> a set of commands to run, scale, integrate... the container with the rest
> of the world (for example, managing the fact that the host port is not
> necessarily the same as the container port, or managing storage for the
> image and so on and so on)
> In this context, you would run docker images, under the form of a docker
> compose, on a single host.
> * Wrap the docker-compose in the Swarm layer: here you would do the same
> as above, but Juju would run at the host level of your Swarm cluster.
> * Create a specific charm to interact with the cluster API (k8s, Mesos,
> Swarm): this charm would be your deployer. It could receive hooks from the
> outside world, triggering deployment or other stuff. In this case, the
> charm can be a subordinate (running on all cluster instances), which you
> could potentially load balance, or a standalone service running on the
> side.
> Now, if you are looking into building a container based IaaS equivalent, I
> suggest you look into LXD
> <>, which would spin
> containers that look and behave like VMs.
> From a Juju perspective, there is a LXD provider.
> The diff with Docker is that LXD doesn't natively provide image based
> deployment, but follows the Juju philosophy to always start with a blank
> image.
> So your charms will have to deploy the code in LXD from scratch.
> Additional nodes: in the docs, pick the "/devel" branch, it's better if
> you use Juju 2.x
> I hope this helps.
> ++
> Sam
> --
> Samuel Cozannet
> Cloud, Big Data and IoT Strategy Team
> Business Development - Cloud and ISV Ecosystem
> Changing the Future of Cloud
> Ubuntu <>  / Canonical UK LTD <> /
> Juju <>
> samuel.cozannet at
> mob: +33 616 702 389
> skype: samnco
> Twitter: @SaMnCo_23
> [image: View Samuel Cozannet's profile on LinkedIn]
> <>
> On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 2:36 PM, Gayan Gunarathne <csegayan at>
> wrote:
>> Hi Charles/Samuel,
>> Thanks for the information.
>> What I am try to do is to run a docker compose to start docker containers
>> in a single machine. Still I am not clear how we can use the docker with
>> Juju.I am following this[1]
>> Simple I need to use the Juju UI[2] and create my deployment there.Then
>> can I do the deployment with the docker.How can I select  the docker as a
>> IaaS. I couldn't find the docker configuration section in
>> environment.yaml.I am not clear how can I provide the docker as a cloud
>> provider.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> Thanks,
>> Gayan
>> On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 3:08 AM, Samuel Cozannet <
>> samuel.cozannet at> wrote:
>>> And finally to add to this, there is a community effort around Mesos and
>>> DCOS to provide the same idea as the k8s stuff.
>>> I am also interested in your use case and feedback :)
>>> Best,
>>> Sam
>>> On May 31, 2016 7:17 PM, "Charles Butler" <charles.butler at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Greetings Gayan!
>>>> You most certainly can compose and use a full docker-provided stack,
>>>> mix and match with charms - thats the power of wrapping your compose-based
>>>> service with layer-docker.
>>>> Which is a great starting place for charming up your dockerized app
>>>> using charms.docker to lend a hand with the ops knowledge to get it running
>>>> :)
>>>> There are several examples in the charm store from myself (lazypower)
>>>> and Matt Bruzek (mbruzek)  that are docker based. I believe the most
>>>> straight forward example that I can illustrate today is the swarm layer,
>>>> which builds the swarm charm.
>>>> This is a multi-series charm that delivers swarm via containers,
>>>> backended by consul or etcd as the discovery mechanism. This has a good mix
>>>> of relationships, base layers, top-layers (what you would be writing), and
>>>> uses the docker-native tooling to bring everything up with some help from
>>>> juju.
>>>> There are even more complex examples, such as Kubernetes - all being
>>>> brought up and controlled in a similar manner
>>>> If you need any help charming with Docker you can get in touch with
>>>> myself on the mailing list here, or join us on irc in #juju on
>>>> I'd love to hear any feedback/questions/comments about the developer
>>>> tooling we have here, as its really ramped up our capacity to churn out
>>>> high quality charms quickly that are docker based, and if there's any rough
>>>> edges we can sand out for other developers would be great starting points.
>>>> All the best,
>>>> Charles
>>>> On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 9:41 AM Gayan Gunarathne <csegayan at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Marco,
>>>>> Thanks for the details.
>>>>> Actually I just want to do something like this. Lets say I have tomcat
>>>>> and mysql composite application. So I need to deploy these two application
>>>>> in docker with depends on(I am really glad if I can use demo UI[1]). How
>>>>> can I do that?
>>>>> Do you already have charms that run in docker with the same? Can you
>>>>> point me to some sample?
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Gayan
>>>>> On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 6:52 PM, Marco Ceppi <
>>>>> marco.ceppi at> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Gayan,
>>>>>> I've added the general Juju list which covers more of these general
>>>>>> topics.
>>>>>> So, because of the nature of LXC machines and Docker style
>>>>>> application containers it's hard to model that style application container
>>>>>> in Juju in the same way LXC machines work. However, it's quite easy to wrap
>>>>>> something like a Docker container, which works really well as a
>>>>>> payload/software delivery tool, but then you can use Juju to wrap that
>>>>>> immutable object and make it mutable inside of a Juju deployment.
>>>>>> I know there are quite a few people on the juju mailing list doing
>>>>>> this today, so I'll let them weigh in. In short, yes you can use Docker and
>>>>>> docker style application containers with Juju, but not in the same direct
>>>>>> way you would a LXC machine just because of the differences in function and
>>>>>> form.
>>>>>> Marco
>>>>>> On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 7:09 AM Gayan Gunarathne <csegayan at>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> Can we run docker directly with Juju? I saw Juju is supporting the
>>>>>>> LXC containers. I need to know whether we can spawn docker containers as
>>>>>>> the same.
>>>>>>> If we support this can you point me to any document?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Gayan
>>>>>>> --
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>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>> Gayan
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>>>> Juju Charmer
>>>> Canonical Group Ltd.
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>> Best Regards,
>> Gayan

Best Regards,
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