authorized-keys is now optional

Rick Harding rick.harding at
Fri Jul 8 12:29:48 UTC 2016

Thanks Andrew. Do we hvae some hinting error messages in place for when a
user attempts to juju ssh, juju run, etc and the ssh key is not set for the
user that leads them to the add-ssh-key commands?



On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 12:15 AM Andrew Wilkins <andrew.wilkins at>

> Hi users of the add-model API,
> The authorized-keys config is now only required at bootstrap time, because
> bootstrapping involves an SSH step. This means you no longer need to
> specify authorized-keys in your config for add-model.
> The Juju CLI will now automatically read ~/.ssh/ and friends
> into authorized-keys when adding a model, just as bootstrap does. If no
> public keys are found, a warning will be displayed. You can still add keys
> later using the "juju add-ssh-key" command.
> If you've been specifying a nonsense authorized-keys value just to get
> add-model to work (hi Juju GUI), then please change your code to not pass
> anything. At the moment we do not validate the input, but we may want to
> change that later on.
> (This is on master, and will go into 2.0-beta12.)
> Cheers,
> Andrew
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