"environment" vs "model" in the code

Kapil Thangavelu kapilt at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 14:15:24 UTC 2016

out of curiosity is there any public explanation on the reason for the
change? environments map fairly naturally to various service topology
stages, ie my prod, qa, dev environments. while model is a rather opaque
term that doesn't convey much.

On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 7:16 PM, Menno Smits <menno.smits at canonical.com>

> Hi all,
> We've committed to renaming "environment" to "model" in Juju's CLI and API
> but what do we want to do in Juju's internals? I'm currently adding
> significant new model/environment related functionality to the state
> package which includes adding new database collections, structs and
> functions which could include either "env/environment" or "model" in their
> names.
> One approach could be that we only use the word "model" at the edges - the
> CLI, API and GUI - and continue to use "environment" internally. That way
> the naming of environment related things in most of Juju's code and
> database stays consistent.
> Another approach is to use "model" for new work[1] with a hope that it'll
> eventually become the dominant name for the concept. This will however
> result in a long period of widespread inconsistency, and it's unlikely that
> things we'll ever completely get rid of all uses of "environment".
> I think we need arrive at some sort of consensus on the way to tackle
> this. FWIW, I prefer the former approach. Having good, consistent names for
> things is important[2].
> Thoughts?
> - Menno
> [1] - but what defines "new" and what do we do when making significant
> changes to existing code?
> [2] - http://martinfowler.com/bliki/TwoHardThings.html
> --
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