Units & resources: are units homogeneous?

Stuart Bishop stuart.bishop at canonical.com
Tue Feb 16 19:36:24 UTC 2016

On 17 February 2016 at 01:20, Katherine Cox-Buday
<katherine.cox-buday at canonical.com> wrote:

> My understanding is that it's a goal to make the management of units more
> consistent, and making the units more homogeneous would support this, but
> I'm wondering from a workload perspective if this is also true? One example
> I could think of to support the discussion is a unit being elected leader
> and thus taking a different path through it's workflow than the other units.
> When it comes to resources, maybe this means it pulls a different sub-set of
> the declared resources, or maybe doesn't pull resources at all (e.g. it's
> coordinating the rest of the units or something).

While I have charms where units have distinct roles (one master,
multiple standbys, and the juju leader making decisions), they can be
treated as homogeneous since they need to be able to fail over from
one role to another. The only use case I can think of where different
resources might be pulled down on different units is deploying a new
service with data restored from a backup. The master would be the only
unit to pull down this resource (the backup) on deployment, and the
standbys would replicate it from the master.

And now I think of it, can I stream resources? I don't want to
provision a machine with 8TB of storage just so I can restore a 4TB
dump. Maybe this is just a terrible example, since I probably couldn't
be bothered uploading the 4TB dump in the first place, and would
instead setup tunnels and pipes to stream it into a 'juju run'
command. An abuse of Juju resources better suited to Juju blob

Stuart Bishop <stuart.bishop at canonical.com>

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