Units & resources: are units homogeneous?

Katherine Cox-Buday katherine.cox-buday at canonical.com
Tue Feb 16 18:40:20 UTC 2016

Thanks, Adam.

Playing devil's advocate to my own question here: why isn't this 1 charm 
broken up into separate charms that handle the different bits of the 
workflow? It sounds like you'd want to break this up into different 
charms along lines of modeled responsibility and then deploy using bundles?

Sorry if I'm over-simplifying.


On 02/16/2016 12:35 PM, Adam Collard wrote:
> Hi Katherine,
> On Tue, 16 Feb 2016 at 18:20 Katherine Cox-Buday 
> <katherine.cox-buday at canonical.com 
> <mailto:katherine.cox-buday at canonical.com>> wrote:
>     The team is looking closely at some of our CLI surrounding
>     resources, and an interesting question came up: should units be
>     considered homogeneous?
>     My understanding is that it's a goal to make the management of
>     units more consistent, and making the units more homogeneous would
>     support this, but I'm wondering from a workload perspective if
>     this is also true? One example I could think of to support the
>     discussion is a unit being elected leader and thus taking a
>     different path through it's workflow than the other units. When it
>     comes to resources, maybe this means it pulls a different sub-set
>     of the declared resources, or maybe doesn't pull resources at all
>     (e.g. it's coordinating the rest of the units or something).
> Yes, as a concrete example the Landscape charm[0], does just that and 
> runs different Landscape services on different units, using the leader 
> to decide what goes where. The units are heterogeneous and under the 
> control of the charm.
> Cheers,
> Adam
> [0] https://jujucharms.com/landscape-server/trusty/


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