Planning for Juju 2.2 (16.10 timeframe)

Stuart Bishop stuart.bishop at
Thu Apr 28 08:35:13 UTC 2016

On 9 March 2016 at 06:51, Mark Shuttleworth <mark at> wrote:
> Hi folks
> We're starting to think about the next development cycle, and gathering
> priorities and requests from users of Juju. I'm writing to outline some
> current topics and also to invite requests or thoughts on relative
> priorities - feel free to reply on-list or to me privately.

Another item I'd like to see is distribution upgrades. We not have a
lot of systems deployed with Trusty that will need to be upgraded to
Xenial not too far in the future. For many services you would just
bring up a new service with a new name and cut over, but this is
impractical for other services such as database shards deployed on
MaaS provisioned hardware. Handling upgrades may be as simple as
allowing operators (or a charm action) perform the necessary
dist-upgrade one unit at a time and have the controller notice and
cope when the unit's jujud is bounced. Not all units would be running
the same distribution release at the same time, and I'm assuming the
service is running a multi-series charm here that supports both
releases (so we don't need to worry about how to handle upgrade-charm
hooks, at least for now)

Stuart Bishop <stuart.bishop at>

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