adding unit tests that take a long time

Andrew Wilkins andrew.wilkins at
Wed Apr 27 22:51:34 UTC 2016

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 1:44 AM Nate Finch <nate.finch at> wrote:

> I was actually trying to avoid talking about the test itself to keep
> things shorter ;)
> The test is parsing the entire codebase under to
> look for places where we're creating a new value of crypto/tls.Config
> instead of using the new helper function that I wrote that creates one with
> more secure defaults.  There's not really any getting around the fact that
> parsing the whole tree takes a long time.

The nature of the test is important here: it's not a test of Juju
functionality, but a test to ensure that we don't accidentally use a TLS
configuration that doesn't match our project-wide constraints. It's static
analysis, using the test framework; and FWIW, the sort of thing that Lingo
would be a good fit for.

I'd suggest that we *do* organise things like this separately, and run them
as part of the "scripts/" script. This is the sort of test that
you shouldn't need to run often, but I'd like us to gate merges on.


> On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 1:25 PM Nicholas Skaggs <
> nicholas.skaggs at> wrote:
>> This is a timely discussion Nate. I'll avoid saying too much off the
>> top, but I do have a question.
>> On 04/27/2016 12:24 PM, Nate Finch wrote:
>> > I just wrote a test that takes ~16.5 seconds on my machine.
>> Why does the test take so long? Are you intending it to be a short /
>> small scoped test?
>> Nicholas
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