Juju stable 1.25.5 is released
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
curtis at canonical.com
Tue Apr 12 21:33:00 UTC 2016
# juju-core 1.25.5
A stable release of Juju, juju-core 1.25.5, is now available.
This release replaces version 1.25.3
## Getting Juju
juju-core 1.25.5 is available for Xenial and backported to earlier
series in the following PPA:
Windows, Centos, and OS X users will find installers at:
## Notable Changes
This releases addresses stability and performance issues.
## Resolved issues
* Jujud offers poodle vulnerable sslv3 on 17070
Lp 1536269
* Leadership dependency failures in ci deploy tests
Lp 1539656
* Upgrade 1.24.7 -> 1.25.3 fails
Lp 1546100
* Destroyed leader, new leader not elected.
Lp 1511659
* New ec2 korea region
Lp 1530957
* Maas bridge script handles vlan nics incorrectly
Lp 1532167
* 1.25.0: bootstrap failure - warning discarding api open error: eof
Lp 1538303
* Bootstrap node does not use the proxy to fetch tools from
Lp 1515289
* Payload/persistence intermittent failure
Lp 1519061
* 1.25.3 can't bootstrap xenial environments
Lp 1550306
* Enable daily image stream in juju local provider
Lp 1554073
* Juju's maas bridge script is echoed to the console by cloud-init
during bootstrap
Lp 1536587
* Cookies file locked for too long
Lp 1534643
* 1.25.4: units attempt to go through the proxy to download charm
from state server
Lp 1556207
* Xenial juju 1.25.3 unable to deploy to lxc containers
Lp 1557345
* Provider/maas bridge script is not idempotent
Lp 1553915
* Unable to bootstrap lxd provider on s390x
Lp 1554675
* Gce invalid volume id destroying environment
Lp 1556293
* Juju_availability_zone not set in maas
Lp 1559099
* Handle multi-series charms in 1.25
Lp 1563607
* Apt-mirror is not used in containers with maas provider
Lp 1560391
* Proxy updater fails with "permission denied"
Lp 1564694
* Can-upgrade-to suggests a downgrade
Lp 1319890
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Curtis Hovey
Canonical Cloud Development and Operations
More information about the Juju-dev
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