Unable to kill-controller

Tim Penhey tim.penhey at canonical.com
Wed Apr 6 20:54:06 UTC 2016

On 06/04/16 23:13, Nick Veitch wrote:
> Sure, I am just concerned about a proliferation of commands to do the
> same (ultimately) task
> destroy-controller

The most correct way to take down a controller.

> kill-controller

The OMG it is broken, please do as much as you can and I know I'm going
to have to manually check any resources left around that it couldn't
clean up.

> forget/purge-controller

Remove local references to the controller.

Not really the same things at all.


> On 6 April 2016 at 11:59, Horacio Duran <horacio.duran at canonical.com
> <mailto:horacio.duran at canonical.com>> wrote:
>     The issue I see with that approach is that in that case
>     kill-controller might be doing less than you expect instead of more,
>     suppose the controller is having transient issues and kill
>     controller cannot reach the cloud for deletion, this would forget
>     the controller and leave it in the cloud, forget-controller instead
>     tells us very clearly what is going to happen, the change is going
>     to be local and not affect the controller.
>     My 2c
>     On Wednesday, 6 April 2016, Nick Veitch <nick.veitch at canonical.com
>     <mailto:nick.veitch at canonical.com>> wrote:
>         just my tuppence
>         instead of having another command, can't we just add this as an
>         option to kill-controller?
>         juju kill-controller --cleanup <controller>
>         On 6 April 2016 at 11:05, Horacio Duran
>         <horacio.duran at canonical.com> wrote:
>             I might be biased by years of apt-get but purge makes me
>             think that you are going to do what kill is supposed to do,
>             forget sound more aligned whit what you are really aiming to.
>             On Wednesday, 6 April 2016, Andrew Wilkins
>             <andrew.wilkins at canonical.com> wrote:
>                 On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 2:29 AM Cheryl Jennings
>                 <cheryl.jennings at canonical.com> wrote:
>                     Relevant bug:
>                      https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1553059
>                     We should provide a way to clean up controllers
>                     without making the user manually edit juju's files.
>                 Unless anyone objects, or has a better spelling, I will
>                 be adding a command to do this:
>                     juju purge-controller <controller-name>
>                 The command will require a "-y" or prompt for
>                 confirmation, like kill-controller. It will not attempt
>                 to destroy the controller, it will just remove the
>                 details of it from the client.
>                 (Alternative suggestion for spelling: "juju
>                 forget-controller". Purge-controller may suggest that
>                 we're purging a controller of its contents, rather than
>                 purging the controller from the client?)
>                 Cheers,
>                 Andrew
>                     On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 7:05 AM, Nate Finch
>                     <nate.finch at canonical.com> wrote:
>                         This just happened to me, too.  Kill-controller
>                         needs to work if at all possible.  That's the
>                         whole point.  And yes, users may not hit
>                         specific problems, but devs do, and that wastes
>                         our time trying to figure out how to manually
>                         clean up the garbage.
>                         On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 8:33 AM Rick Harding
>                         <rick.harding at canonical.com> wrote:
>                             On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 6:56 PM Andrew
>                             Wilkins <andrew.wilkins at canonical.com> wrote:
>                                 In a non-beta release we would make sure
>                                 that the config changes aren't backwards
>                                 incompatible.
>                             I think this is the key thing. I think that
>                             kill-controller is an exception to this
>                             rule. I think we should always at least give
>                             the user the ability to remove their stuff
>                             and start over with the new alpha/beta/rc
>                             release. I'd like to ask us to explore
>                             making kill-controller an exception to this
>                             policy and that if tests prove we can't
>                             bootstrap on one beta and kill with trunk
>                             that it's a blocking bug for us.  
>                             --
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>         Nick Veitch, 
>         CDO Documentation
>         Canonical
> -- 
> Nick Veitch, 
> CDO Documentation
> Canonical

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