Unable to kill-controller

Andrew Wilkins andrew.wilkins at canonical.com
Sun Apr 3 22:55:42 UTC 2016

On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 9:45 PM John Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:

> I'm not sure what happened, but I can't bootstrap, and I can't
> kill-controller to try again. I started out with "failing to get
> controller-uuid". I then manually killed the machines, but now I get
> "unable to get bootstrap information".
> Clearly there is *some* bootstrap information, or I would be able to "juju
> bootstrap", but apparently there isn't enough information so I can't "juju
> kill-controller".
> I feel like we're missing something in our implementation. I realize this
> is *probably* just version skew, where I was using one of the earlier dev
> releases, and then it broke against a new dev release. However, it also
> feels like we're missing a more fundamental "kill should make due with the
> information it has, and cleanup". "juju destroy-environment --force" was
> our old big hammer to wipe the slate clean. But now our attempts at wiping
> the state clean all seem to trip up at every turn. The best I've found is
> to "rm -rf ~/.local/share/juju" but that, of course, means I lose *all* of
> my controllers and my credentials.
> It feels like things like "kill-controller" shouldn't be "allowed" to
> fail. Throwing exceptions during cleanup is usually something that isn't
> helpful.

kill-controller will first try to kill via the API; if that fails, it does
the equivalent of "destroy-environment --force". I don't think there's much
else we can do, is there?

We currently need one of two things: valid API connection details, or the
bootstrap configuration. In either case, it's going to break if the
configuration is invalid. In your case, you've got a missing
"controller-uuid" attribute, which was added as a mandatory attribute
between beta releases. In a non-beta release we would make sure that the
config changes aren't backwards incompatible.


> John
> =:->
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