Unable to run a charm on KVM container

John Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sun Apr 3 07:22:27 UTC 2016

To isolate issues you can always just try deploying the "ubuntu" charm, and
see if it comes up correctly. For further debugging I would ssh onto the
outer machine (juju ssh 26 in this case) and see how things are configured.
You can look at /var/log/juju/machine*.log. And get the output of things
like "ip addr show".

On Apr 3, 2016 11:19 AM, "John Meinel" <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:

> My initial thought is that we aren't getting KVM onto a bridge to the
> outer network properly. One thought that you could try is to first deploy
> and LXC/LXD container onto machine 26 and then do the KVM. This is simply
> because I know we've spent a lot more time getting container networking
> right, and we could have a bug where we are assuming a bridge that we only
> set up for containers.
> John
> =:->
> On Apr 2, 2016 11:57 PM, "phani shankar" <phanishankarpr at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We are trying to use Juju Charms to deploy a network. We require each of
>> the charm to run in its own KVM. We are using Juju GUI (running on another
>> machine) to create a KVM container on the node and start the charm.
>> However, we observe that charm is stuck at agent initialization. We are
>> able to bring up the charm in the root container.  Can you please guide us
>> on how we can debug it further.
>> juju-debug-log indicates that there was an error fetching public address
>> and there was a broken pipe. Juju GUI is running on and node on
>> which we are installing the charm is in
>> juju-debug-log
>> ==========
>> machine-0: message repeated 3 times: [2016-04-02 19:29:05 ERROR juju.rpc
>> server.go:573 error writing response: write tcp
>> broken pipe]
>> machine-0: 2016-04-02 19:38:50 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:351
>> getting a public address for unit "oai-hss/7" failed: "public no address"
>> machine-0: 2016-04-02 19:38:50 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:355
>> getting a private address for unit "oai-hss/7" failed: "private no address"
>> machine-0: 2016-04-02 19:39:37 WARNING juju.apiserver.client
>> status.go:465 error fetching public address: "public no address"
>> machine-0: 2016-04-02 19:39:37 WARNING juju.apiserver.client
>> status.go:677 error fetching public address: public no address
>> Outcome of juju status:
>> =================
>> crossmobile at cm-mainserver-juju:~$ juju status --format=tabular
>> [Services]
>> juju-gui   unknown true    cs:trusty/juju-gui-52
>> mysql      unknown false   cs:trusty/mysql-36
>> oai-enb    blocked false   local:trusty/oai-enb-23
>> oai-hss    unknown false   local:trusty/oai-hss-5
>> [Units]
>> juju-gui/0 unknown        idle        1.25.3  0        80/tcp,443/tcp
>> cm-mainserver-juju
>> mysql/1    unknown        idle        1.25.3  5        3306/tcp
>> oai-enb/10 blocked        idle        1.25.3  21       2152/udp
>>       Waiting for EPC relation
>> oai-hss/7  unknown        allocating          26/kvm/1
>>                 Waiting for agent initialization to finish
>> [Machines]
>> ID         STATE   VERSION DNS                INS-ID              SERIES
>> 0          started 1.25.3  cm-mainserver-juju manual:             trusty
>> arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=3942M
>> 5          started 1.25.3       manual: trusty
>> arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=3942M
>> 21         started 1.25.3       manual: trusty
>> arch=amd64 cpu-cores=4 mem=15677M
>> 26         started 1.25.3       manual: trusty
>> arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=3942M
>> Please let me know your thoughts.
>> --
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