New feature for 1.26 (master), $(JUJU_HOME)/aliases

Rick Harding rick.harding at
Fri Oct 23 11:40:34 UTC 2015

On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 12:12 AM Tim Penhey <tim.penhey at>

> Hi folks,
> Firstly, the ability to specify default flags for commands:
>   status = status --format=tabular
> I could never remember the right environment variable to set to get
> tabular by default.
> The second was to allow quicker iteration around playing with new CLI
> structure.  As most people are aware, the 2.0 CLI is going to be
> somewhat different to the current one, and I thought it would be good to
> provide a way in which we could "test drive" the new CLI with the
> existing codebase without having to actually code anything.

This is very cool Tim. I would like to raise a word of caution though. When
folks get aliasing too much to work around pain points of the experience it
makes it easy to hide the pain and not raise it up and deal with it.  My
one hesitation here is that we need to make sure that these are small and
that if we find common ones that we bring them up as things that should be
fixed in the cli vs "just use the following aliases" in reply to folks

In particular, with the 2.0 cli experiments, it'd be helpful if there was
some method that everyone could be using a shared experience so that we
were getting real testing of a common plan for a 2.0 cli vs everyone
building their own 2.0 as they go.

Not to be negative on the cool handy feature, but something to think about
as folks go adding their aliases.

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