User creation with cloud-init

Martin Packman martin.packman at
Thu Oct 15 20:45:08 UTC 2015

Have run the branch through CI twice. Fixed the issues that showed up
first time so second run is blessed. It did mean reverting to the old
way of setting keys on precise specifically, as the cloud-init we have
there is too old to support 'users' configuration. What's left before
this can land is verifying the change works on CentOS.

On 11/10/2015, Antonio Rosales <antonio.rosales at> wrote:
> I see we have fixed
> committed for 1.25 (thanks Dimiter), does this branch resolve any
> other known issues with deploying *Nix Specifically CentOS with Juju,
> or are there others we should identify here?

I'm not aware of any other issues with CentOS, but we've had limited
feedback from users so far. The CI team is working on getting our set
of revision tests running with CentOS on MAAS, and I've been bothering
Bogdan about getting something working on a public cloud.

What we are currently missing that I'd love is some real-world charms
that use CentOS. Our test charms are deliberately simplistic, some
real workloads to evaluate would be great.


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