Juju devel 1.26-alpha2 is available for testing

Curtis Hovey-Canonical curtis at canonical.com
Mon Nov 30 14:52:24 UTC 2015

There are other options to play with juju+lxd on trusty...

On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 2:26 PM, Rick Harding
<rick.harding at canonical.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 11:35 AM Mark Shuttleworth <mark at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> On 27/11/15 16:21, Aaron Bentley wrote:
>> It's dependent on what compiler was used to create the jujud binary.
>> AIUI, the Ubuntu policy is that nothing goes into a distroseries which
>> cannot be compiled with the tools in that distroseries.  Thus the
>> jujud for Trusty is compiled with the version of Go provided by that
>> platform.
>> My understanding is that a Go 1.5 backport to Trusty is part of the
>> current cycle planned work.
> Yes, the work for Go 1.5 into Trusty moves forward. For this alpha it's not
> yet ready to provide the build so my understanding is that the alpha build
> for Trusty is done with the current outdated tool chain. Once the Go
> toolchain is updated for Trusty the builds released will be in order.
> Aaron, please correct me if I'm mistaken there.

The Juju clients and agents built with Go lang are statically
compiled. They are Ubuntu release agnostic. The wily-built Juju runs
fine on Trusty and Precise (and Centos 7). You can install the wily
juju-core and juju-local packages to play with the lxd feature now.

Per the conversation above, the Juju PPAs build with a deps that
provides the Juju teams minimum and preferred Golang. We used this to
get newer Gos for precise without waiting on Ubuntu. We plan to switch
to switch to Go 1.5 soon at a part of our plan to change Juju's
minimum version of Go.

Curtis Hovey
Canonical Cloud Development and Operations

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