juju and monitoring systems

Charles Butler charles.butler at canonical.com
Fri Nov 13 14:45:28 UTC 2015

On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 9:42 AM, Vasiliy Tolstov <v.tolstov at selfip.ru>

> May be the best look at https://github.com/prometheus/node_exporter
> for by default enabled metrics.

This sounds like a prime case for a charm, and then wrapping your business
logic for scaling into a charm that can take action on your behalf. Its not
ideal as the final solution but would work well for a POC. We have similar
work already done by nico-thomas and scozannet using Zabbix to auto-scale a
telephony/voip video conferencing solution w/ clearwater.

I'll see if i can find the material Nicholas showed during a sprint and
forward that along as a reference guide, but it sounds right up your alley
as an alternate implementation, but achieves the same result(s).

Charles Butler <charles.butler at canonical.com> - Juju Charmer
Come see the future of datacenter orchestration: http://jujucharms.com
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