juju and monitoring systems

Vasiliy Tolstov v.tolstov at selfip.ru
Fri Nov 13 13:32:24 UTC 2015

2015-11-13 15:49 GMT+03:00 Rick Harding <rick.harding at canonical.com>:
> Awesome to hear you're enjoying Juju Vasiliy. We don't currently have plans
> to build monitoring directly into Juju. We've found most places have their
> preferred tool for that, zabbix, munin, nagios, etc. We love that folks have
> built charms that allow integration of their preferred tool through charms
> that are typically used as subordinate services. It looks like prometheus
> would be another service along those lines that would be great to charm for
> use.

Thats fine, but does juju agent support endpoints to export
performance metrics from the running machine?
Zabbix, munina and other need to create own tools to check this, but
if juju agent have ability via some endpoints export needed data each
monitoring solutions can use this and not create hand made tools =)

Vasiliy Tolstov,
e-mail: v.tolstov at selfip.ru

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