Nick Veitch nick.veitch at
Wed Nov 4 18:23:57 UTC 2015


For a long time now, the docs have had a list of the environment variables
used by Juju. It is a single page that is rather useful to everyone:

It would be a lot more useful if it was complete, but there are several
environment variables which are not on the list. It would be incredibly
useful if you could

 a) read that page
 b) check if all the env vars you know of are on the list
 c) if not, either file an issue [1], reply here, email me or in some other
way communicate what is missing along with some idea of what it does.

While some searching through the source tells me we don't have a complete
list, it doesn't tell me what the missing ones do, in the non-obvious cases.

It doesn't go without saying that any time you add a user-oriented
environment variable, it should be mentioned in the release notes and/or
added to the docs.


Nick Veitch
nick.veitch at
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