Upcoming change in 1.24: tags in EC2

Kapil Thangavelu kapilt at gmail.com
Mon May 25 17:57:02 UTC 2015

On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 10:26 PM, Andrew Wilkins <
andrew.wilkins at canonical.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just a small announcement, in case anyone cares. In the EC2 provider, from
> 1.24, we will start tagging instances and volumes with their Juju-internal
> names and the Juju environment UUID. Instances, for example, will have a
> name of "machine-0", "machine-1", etc., corresponding to the ID in "juju
> status". There is not currently an upgrade step to tag existing resources,
> so only newly created resources will be tagged.
> The environment UUID can be used to identify all instances and volumes
> that are part of an environment. This could be used to for billing
> purposes; to charge the infrastructure costs for a Juju environment to a
> particular user/organisation.
> We will be looking at doing the same for OpenStack for 1.24 also.
> Cheers,
> Andrew
That's super awesome, and very helpful for real world usage. A few
suggestions, For users with multiple environments, seeing a bunch machine-0
in the ui, is rather confusing, i'd suggest prefixing with the env name.
Potentially even more useful is actually naming the machines not for their
pet names, but their cattle names (workload name), ie. name with the
primary unit that caused the machine to exist, or was the first unit
assigned to the machine (minus state servers).

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