possible approach for "test tags"

Eric Snow eric.snow at canonical.com
Thu May 14 14:11:32 UTC 2015

On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 9:59 PM, Andrew Wilkins
<andrew.wilkins at canonical.com> wrote:
> Main thing that concerns me is that it's all opt-in.

Same here.

> I guess it doesn't
> matter
> too much, as long as CI continues to run all the tests. There's nothing
> stopping
> people from skipping running the tests and proposing junk today.


> A couple of things I'd like to see added to the proposal:
>  - the ability to have negated tags, e.g. -tags=!long or -tags=^long or
> whatever.

I already have that ("-" instead of "!"), just not well documented. :)

>  - a meta "all" tag, or command line flag to set all the tags (e.g. for CI)

Great idea.  I added "base", but that's something else.


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