Juju Core Reviews and Reviewers

Tim Penhey tim.penhey at canonical.com
Sun May 10 22:37:33 UTC 2015

Hi All,

Last year we initiated a process called the Mentored Reviewers where new
team members entered the review process but a "ship it" from them was
not considered enough to land code.

The process was what I'd call a partial success.

One key part of learning how to be a good Juju Core reviewer is learning
what you should be looking for.  It was not always clear. At a team lead
call just before the sprint we kicked off a document that aimed to
capture the key points that the team leads agreed that should be
considered in all reviews:


Key points to remember with the review process:
 * no one is perfect
 * mistakes will be made both by coders and reviewers
 * if you don't understand something, ask
 * if you are a reviewer, and you left comments or tasks,
   you should follow up the review when it is updated
 * as a developer, it is your job to ensure your code gets
   a review and lands

Some of the newer team members are still going to be mentored,
but the process will me managed by their team leads.
 - Ales Stimec
 - Cheryl Jennings
 - James Tunnicliffe

All others in the core teams are now full reviewers.

Thanks everyone, let's get busy.


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