Rule #2 should die
Martin Packman
martin.packman at
Thu Jun 4 21:42:47 UTC 2015
Currently juju-reports has a rule matching on failures where our CI
harness interrupted the test because it took too long:
This seems too generic a symptom, generally if a test is not
completing within the time we've allocated for it, there's another
indication in the log, often the final `juju status` output, that
makes it clearer why juju never finished its work.
Checking over the recent matches for rule #2:
agent-state-info: 'sending new instance request: GCE operation
instance-id: pending
GCE failed to give us an instance.
agent-state: pending
instance-id: ee22b864-47e9-4931-8bcb-92bbbe08f05e
instance-state: ACTIVE
Jun 4 14:57:24 juju-canonistack-deploy-trusty-amd64-machine-1
[CLOUDINIT][DEBUG]: Running command ['eatmydata', 'apt-get',
'--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--assume-yes',
'--quiet', 'install', 'curl', 'cpu-checker', 'bridge-utils',
'rsyslog-gnutls', 'cloud-utils', 'cloud-image-utils', 'tmux'] with
allowed return codes [0] (shell=False, capture=False)
Super slow canonistack machine, still crawling along installing
packages when we gave up.
error: cannot re-bootstrap environment: cannot bootstrap new instance:
waited for 10m0s without being able to connect: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out
Not the best log, but seems clear we never got a usable bootstrap
machine to restore into.
agent-state: pending
instance-id: fc67a2b4-00ab-4571-e947-ebd68fd54f9b
instance-state: running
Attempt 1 to download tools from
+ curl -sSfw tools from %{url_effective} downloaded: HTTP
%{http_code}; time %{time_total}s; size %{size_download} bytes; speed
%{speed_download} bytes/s --noproxy * --insecure -o
curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
Joyent network issue, <>
That all the recent matches for the timeout rule have more useful and
specific matches (some unfortunately needing to look at other log
files for all the details), suggests we want those as rules rather
than this.
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