Reminder: on June 15th, Go 1.4 will stop compiling things from

John Meinel john at
Tue Jun 2 12:14:51 UTC 2015

What about old releases, etc? It seems like this is potentially an issue if
we ever want to build an old release (for reference purposes, reproducing a
bug, etc).
Do we at least have a reasonable workaround (grab the code from X move it
to Y, set the version using godeps), etc?


On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 3:57 PM, Katherine Cox-Buday <
katherine.cox-buday at> wrote:

> I think there was an effort to remove this from our code, but I thought
> I'd send out a reminder to check and for personal projects. May the source
> be with you...
> -
> Katherine
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