Recurring fails on windows tests and the recent CentOS failure

Bogdan Teleaga bteleaga at
Tue Jul 14 22:44:06 UTC 2015

Hello everybody,

Lately I've been noticing a couple of failures regarding a new testing feature introduced on windows.

Without going into implementation details too deep the main idea is that whenever a new suite is created
that inherits from a base suite and a SetUpX function is defined, it needs to call the SetUpX function of the
base suite. The main reason would be that if that's not done we will not do set up for any test, but we will do
a tear down. To some extent it might be worth it to add some annotations to the failure message, since it might
come up more often and it is not immideately obvious why.

The bugs caused by this so far are:

Another issue is that a recent bugfix stopped CentOS completely from working.
The series could not be detected anymore because the map was changed *and* the test that
was using actual data from /etc/os-release was modified to mirror this change. Until we get the CI
for CentOS up and running, but even as a general thing for that matter, please consider the old
content of the tests and their intention before modyfing them to fit the changes in the code.

For more details on the CentOS bug:

And that would be all for now, I'll let you get back to the other hundred emails.

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