A cautionary tale of names

Kapil Thangavelu kapil.thangavelu at canonical.com
Mon Jan 12 18:15:57 UTC 2015

On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 10:03 AM, roger peppe <roger.peppe at canonical.com>

> On 12 January 2015 at 15:43, Gustavo Niemeyer <gustavo at niemeyer.net>
> wrote:
> > A few quick notes:
> >
> > - Having an understandable name in a resource useful
> It's also good to be clear about what a name actually signifies.
> Currently (unless things have changed since I last looked)
> it's entirely possible to start an environment with one name,
> then send the resulting .jenv file to someone else, who can
> store it under some other name and still access the environment
> under the different name.
> Local aliases/names are nice - no worry about global name space
> clashes.
> But I agree that meaningful resource names are useful too.
> One possibility is that the UUID could incorporate the original
> environment name (I guess it would technically no longer be
> a UUID then, but UUID standards are overrated IMHO).
> Another possibility is to provide some other way to give
> a name at environment bootstrap time (e.g. a config option)
> that would be associated with resources created by the environment.

This is effectively what happens albeit implicitly, the name is associated
at bootstrap, and is used by the state server when provisioning resources.
ie. in this context (aws) we don't actually use native tag facilities (part
of why all instances allocated by juju are missing names in the aws
console), but instead use a security group for implicit tagging. the
secgroup name corresponds to this initial bootstrap name, other users can
name the env how they want as further provisioning is done by the state
servers which will continue to use the initial bootstrap name.. there are
still niggles here around destroy-environment force if its clientside. the
secgroup name in aws can be up to 255 chars. it would be good if we used
tags better for aws resources (instances, drives, etc) as it can help
usability (aws console) and cost accounting (very common to roll up charges
by tags for chargeback).

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