juju-core tests now running on Windows

Nate Finch nate.finch at canonical.com
Thu Feb 19 19:24:52 UTC 2015

Awesome!  Thanks so much, Gabriel, Bogdan, and everyone else who worked on
getting the tests running under Windows... this is really great.

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 9:13 AM, Gabriel Samfira <
gsamfira at cloudbasesolutions.com> wrote:

> Hello folks,
> Thanks to Bogdan Teleaga's great work, juju-core tests on master branch
> now pass on windows. There are a number of skipped tests at the moment,
> which still need to be fixed, but starting now, we can at least avoid
> adding new code and tests that do not work on windows.
> The bug report with the skipped tests is here:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1403084
> I have written a short article on setting up a windows testing
> environment. The process should be relatively painless, but I do
> encourage you to make a snapshot once you have everything set up. The
> guide can be found here:
> http://wiki.cloudbase.it/juju-testing
> This can be set up on top of KVM, with around 1-1.5 GB of RAM. Of course
> more is better if you can spare it. If you find any bugs with the howto,
> of if there is anything that is missing, please let me know.
> I would really appreciate it if everyone would test on windows before
> pushing a change. If the code you plan on merging is not meant to run on
> windows, please add proper build constraints.
> Thanks Bogdan, and thank you guys for the great reviews that got the
> tests running :).
> Cheers,
> Gabriel
> --
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