Feedback on a base "fake" type in the testing repo

Eric Snow eric.snow at
Wed Feb 11 18:53:17 UTC 2015

tl;dr Using fakes for testing works well so I wrote a base fake type. [1]

While working on the GCE provider, Wayne and I started taking a
different approach to unit testing than the usual 1. expose an
external dependency as an unexported var; 2.export it in
export_test.go; 3. patch it out in tests. [2]  Instead we wrote an
interface for the provider's low-level API and implemented the
provider relative to that. [3]  Then in tests we used a fake
implementation of that interface instead of the concrete one.  Instead
of making the actual API requests, the fake simply tracked method
calls and controlled return values.

Using the fake had a number of benefits:

1. our tests were very focused on what code gets exercised, meaning we
don't take responsibility for what amounts to testing our dependencies
at the same time as the code at hand.
2. the tests ran faster since they aren't making HTTP requests (even
if just to localhost).
3. the provider code isn't cluttered up with
vars-only-there-to-be-patched-out. [2]
4. the test code isn't cluttered with many separate s.PatchValue calls. [2]
5. setting up the faked return values was cleaner.
6. checking which methods were called (in order) along with the
arguments, was easier and cleaner.

In addition to all that, taking the fake approach required that we
encapsulate our low-level dependencies in a single interface.  This
was good because it forced us to spell out those dependencies.  That
helped us write the provider better.  The low-level interface also
made the code more maintainable since it makes the boundary layers
explicit, and formats it in a concise display (the interface

So I've taken the base fake type from the GCE patch and pulled it into
patch against the testing repo. [1]  I've made some adjustments based
on use cases I've had in subsequent patches.  Nate has the bright idea
of getting some feedback from the team before landing anything "since
it's the kind of thing that'll start popping up everywhere, and I want
to make sure it passes muster with others."

I'm not suggesting that fakes are the solution to all testing problems
so let's please avoid that discussion. :)  Neither am I proposing that
any existing tests should be converted to use fakes.  Nor am I
suggesting the need for any policy recommending the use of fakes.  As
well, we still need to make sure we have enough "full stack" test
coverage to be confident about integration between layers.  Relatedly,
the concrete implementation of low-level interfaces needs adequate
test coverage to ensure the underlying APIs (remote, etc.) continue to
match expected behavior.  So yeah, neither fakes nor isolated unit
tests meet all our testing needs.  I just think the base fake type
I've written will help facilitate a cleaner approach where it's



[2] We were still feeling out the approach so we still took the
var-and-patch in some cases.
[3] See "gceConnection" in

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