Proposal: doc.go for each package

Frank Mueller frank.mueller at
Thu Aug 27 08:11:41 UTC 2015

Absolutely, Roger. This maintenance aspect is one of the very important
values of a proper documentation.

@James: Sure, for simple reading there are many existing ways. The little
grep idea is only to integrate more complex searches for information into
my editor. Naming it "grep" only has been too simple. ;)


On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 9:51 AM roger peppe <roger.peppe at>

> On 27 August 2015 at 08:39, James Tunnicliffe
> <james.tunnicliffe at> wrote:
> > A good way of reading go docs is "godoc -http=:6060" and pointing your
> > browser at http://localhost:6060/pkg/ to read the
> docs
> > - no grep required.
> +1.
> Or "godoc ." if you're in the package directory.
> Or
> Having proper package docs is lots better than using
> files - it fits into the Go ecosystem. The godoc is always the first
> thing I look at when trying to understand a package - it's nicely indexed
> with pointers to all the relevant source code entry points. Having
> a decent package doc is important.
> In my view, it's important not just for explaining to people how
> to use the package, but also for people maintaining the package,
> so that the motivations and concerns of the package are laid out
> clearly, helpful for avoiding feature creep and code sprawl.
>   cheers,
>     rog.
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