previously valid amazon environment now invalid?

roger peppe roger.peppe at
Thu Apr 30 11:04:51 UTC 2015

On 30 April 2015 at 11:55, Ian Booth <ian.booth at> wrote:
> Right now, the default tabular output is behind a feature flag because it's
> experimental. We still need to decide how to allow users to have that output by
> default without the feature flag, but also without breaking 1.18 script
> compatibility. The best option IMO for this case is an env variable on the
> user's client machine since the change is a client only one and I don't want to
> pollute the CLI with --v2 type cruft and introduce yet another thing to support
> in the future.

The danger here is that we end up with 100 environment variables, each
tweaking some aspect of the Juju client's behaviour, and that
debugging becomes hard because every user has some
uniquely different combination of settings.

Perhaps a single environment variable, say JUJU_COMPAT,
defining the oldest version required for backward compatibility,
might work here? The default value would be whatever
is the oldest version that we currently support.

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