previously valid amazon environment now invalid?

Michael Hudson-Doyle michael.hudson at
Thu Apr 30 10:29:56 UTC 2015

I don't want to bore on and on about this, but one thing.

On 30 April 2015 at 22:06, Nate Finch <nate.finch at> wrote:
> If someone needs 1.18 CLI compatibility, they can use 1.18.  It's that
> simple.

It's not that simple to do that though, as long as new versions of
juju go into trusty-updates.  You'd have to pin the version or do
apt/preferences junk to prefer trusty over trusty-updates for
juju-core or something.  I'm not even sure, and I'm much more familiar
with this sort of thing than it makes sense to assume our users are.


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