coloring juju logs a bit

Horacio Duran horacio.duran at
Tue Apr 28 20:30:37 UTC 2015

After an interesting discussion with one of my peers where things like
"bash is the devil" where said, I decided to go the go way, I upgraded a
bit a tool from our own Nate Finch to help filter and color the logs. The
coloring is a bit crude but I have found it to be a quite useful little
here is the url
and here is a sample of output:

On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 2:31 PM, Horacio Duran <horacio.duran at>

> So, for those like me, that usually end up hunting for what broke your
> tests and find themselves swimming in a sea of log output, I have added a
> bit of setup to my supercat to get some useful coloring.
> I most likely will be doing this in a more serious and less hacky (and
> more juju dev oriented) way bu in the mean time:
> create .spcrc/spcrc-juju-tests
> with the contents of:
> and to get some coloring (bear in mind that if everything went well you
> will get absolutely nothing colored)
> go test 2>&1 | spc -w -t juju-tests
> the output is something like this
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