Fix for LP: #1174610 landing (unit ids should be unique)

Casey Marshall casey.marshall at
Mon Apr 27 16:44:14 UTC 2015

Just a friendly heads-up.. a fix for this longstanding bug will be
landing into master shortly:

LP: #1174610, unit ids should be unique

What this fix essentially does is assign each deployed workload a
distinct unit ID (incrementing sequentially) within the scope of an
environment. Example:

1. juju deploy mysql
   Deployed workload gets an ID, mysql/0

2. juju destroy-service mysql

3. juju deploy mysql
   Deployed workload gets a distinct ID, mysql/1

I do not anticipate any negative impact to normal Juju usage from this
bugfix, but I'd like to raise awareness here proactively, in the event
that there is potential breakage in scripts that invoke juju with
hard-coded assumptions on how Juju assigns unit IDs -- instead of
retrieving actual assigned unit IDs from status.


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