Is simplestreams spam worth having in the Log

John Meinel john at
Wed Apr 1 10:47:46 UTC 2015

I've been noticing lately that everytime a test fails it ends up having a
*lot* of lines about failing to find simplestreams headers. (this last test
failure had about 200 long lines of that, and only 6 lines of actual
failure message that was useful).

Now I think there are a few things to look at here:

1) The lines about "looking for any" double up and occur 9 times. Why are
we repeating the search for tools 9 times in "TestUpgradeCharmDir"? maybe
its genuine, but it sure feels like we're doing work over and over again
that could be done once.

2) We still default to reporting every failed index.json lookup, and *not*
reporting the one that succeeded. Now these are at DEBUG level, but I have
the feeling their utility is low enough that we should actually switch them
to TRACE and *start* logging the one we successfully found at DEBUG level.


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