Is ReviewBoard a good thing?

Eric Snow eric.snow at
Fri Sep 19 14:53:44 UTC 2014

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 6:11 AM, Gabriel Samfira
<gsamfira at> wrote:
> Just a suggestion:
> A git plugin similar to what Gerrit has would simplify things. For example,
> Gerrit has a nice little plugin called "Review". Simply doing:
> git review
> In your current branch would push the patchest to gerrit. Something similar
> for RB, would probably simplify things a lot. Chained PR's could probably be
> done by specifying in the commit message something like:
> depends on #<PR ID>

That would definitely ease the pain.  Even if we have automation of
the main workflow, a git plugin would still help with chained branches
(which github does not support).


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