ReviewBoard is now the official review tool for juju

Jonathan Aquilina jaquilina at
Tue Sep 16 08:22:48 UTC 2014


If i am not mistaken if you have multiple commits in a branch git
has something built in called git squash. This obviously eliminates the
5 step process into one merge and one push. 

Founder Eagle Eye T

On 2014-09-16 09:44, roger peppe wrote:

> On 15 September 2014 21:39, Ian Booth <ian.booth at>
>> On 16/09/14 00:50, Eric Snow wrote: 
>>> On Mon, Sep
15, 2014 at 8:09 AM, Eric Snow <eric.snow at [1]> wrote: 

>>>> Yeah, those steps are a lot, though keep in mind that effectively
it's only 2 steps more than before if you use the -p flag to rbt post
and were already keeping your local master up to date.
>>> Just to be
clear, here are the steps again, slightly reformatted: (0). Rebase
relative to upstream master. - if origin is different than upstream,
sync and push it
>> Before I create a new branch, I ensure my local and
origin (forked copy) master branches are up to date. However, once the
branch is created, thereafter I do not rebase because it has caused
nothing but trouble, with lots of manual effort required to fix things
up wrt conflicts etc.
> Here's a trick I use (I imagine it's a well
known technique) that makes it easy to do a lightweight
> rebase without
the conflicts that often come when rebase
> replays your commits:
> $
git fetch upstream
> $ git merge upstream/master
> $ git reset
> $ git add any new files added in your branch
> $ git
commit -am 'describe your branch'
> As far as I can make out, as long
as you want to
> propose your branch with only a single commit
> added
to the log, this makes it easy to use a
> merge-based flow and amounts
> the same thing in the end.
> I use it a lot, and it's saved no
end of "this is the *third* time
> I've resolved these conflicts"
> cheers,
> rog.

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