ReviewBoard is now the official review tool for juju

David Cheney david.cheney at
Tue Sep 16 00:05:01 UTC 2014

Is there a setting to make reviewboard show the diff in a review by
the default ? For some reason for me it always requires me to hit the
'view diff' link.

On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 6:39 AM, Ian Booth <ian.booth at> wrote:
> On 16/09/14 00:50, Eric Snow wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 8:09 AM, Eric Snow <eric.snow at> wrote:
>>> Yeah, those steps are a lot, though keep in mind that effectively it's
>>> only 2 steps more than before if you use the -p flag to rbt post and
>>> were already keeping your local master up to date.
>> Just to be clear, here are the steps again, slightly reformatted:
>> (0). Rebase relative to upstream master.
>>   - if origin is different than upstream, sync and push it
> Before I create a new branch, I ensure my local and origin (forked copy) master
> branches are up to date. However, once the branch is created, thereafter I do
> not rebase because it has caused nothing but trouble, with lots of manual effort
> required to fix things up wrt conflicts etc. And it should not be necessary -
> the code repository should be able to track the state of play such that when you
> request a merge, it knows how to create the correct diff against the current
> official trunk which will be merged into.
>> Step (0) is also pretty easy and I'll argue that people should be
>> doing it anyway.
> Disagree :-)
> I never (or very, very rarely) had to do this with Launchpad and bzr and things
> Just Worked. I don't do it now with github and pull requests. I'd like to think
> we'd be able to avoid the burden moving forward also.
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