Juju landing tests - good news

Ian Booth ian.booth at canonical.com
Thu Sep 11 07:15:09 UTC 2014

Hi folks

It's been a fantastic effort so far improving the quality of our tests; so much
so that this time yesterday I switched off the retry flag. This means that our
landing tests run at full speed, and fail first time if there's an error.

Since the change, I've seen a few failures due to glitches in AWS which hosts
the instance used to run the tests. I've seen a few failures which appear
legitimate due to env vars not being cleaned up (need to dig a bit more). And I
think I've seen one intermittent failure in everyone's favourite package jujud.

So, all in all, things are a *lot* better thanks to everyone's efforts. Landings
will now be much faster. We're still not quite there, but a lot closer than we were.

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