Juju Actions - Use Cases

Jeff Pihach jeff.pihach at canonical.com
Wed Sep 10 16:21:01 UTC 2014

Hi John,

One which I haven't seen brought up yet is accessing a url. For example,
when you deploy the Ghost blogging platform charm you need to visit a
special url in order to create your account the first time. At the
moment that means reading the readme to know that you have to do this. I
would really like to have the ability to click on the service icon in
the GUI and be given options like 'Visit create account page' and 'Visit
blog url'. The interesting part of these interactions vs the ones I've
seen mentioned is that they are client side actions. They would open a
new tab or the browser to display the page in question vs simply
executing some backend script.


John Weldon wrote:
> Hi;
> We're looking for use cases for Juju Actions, mostly to make sure we
> expose the right API.
> I'm hoping for a few different use cases from the Juju Web UI folks,
> but I'd appreciate input from anyone wanting to use Juju Actions in
> their charms too.
> I've started a document with some example use cases to prime the pump:
> please contribute to this document and don't feel constrained to the
> style or layout I adopted for the examples.
> If you have any interest or investment in using or publishing Actions
> for Juju please review and contribute!
> Google Docs Link
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uYffkkGA1njQ1oego_h8BYBMrlGpmN_lwsnrOZFxE9Q/edit?usp=sharing>
> Thanks
> --
> John Weldon
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