
Ian Booth ian.booth at
Mon Sep 8 10:37:51 UTC 2014

Hi Eric

Fantastic, thank you.

Quick question - can we set up a Juju team group and have that group
automatically be assigned as a reviewer for newly created review requests? I
tried to create a new request using the web ui and had to manually enter the
reviewer. Except there was no group set up yet for the Juju team.

Also, when creating a new review request, it shows a list of commits to choose
from, whereas I would be wanting to see a list of branches since that's how we
create the PRs on Github and the branch is what the review is based on. Can we
fix this?

On 06/09/14 11:09, Eric Snow wrote:
> I'm pleased to announce that we now have a working demo of ReviewBoard
> available:
> Feel free to take it for a spin!
> There's no need to register for an account.  Just click the github
> OAuth button on the login page.  The first time you do so you'll be
> redirected to a github page asking if you approve.  Then you'll be
> redirected back to ReviewBoard.  At that point it will automatically
> create an account for you and log you in.  Due to session cookies, you
> shouldn't need to log in all that often.
> I've set up two of the repos to start us off.  I can set up more if it
> would help, but the two should be enough to get us a feel for things.
> Let me know any feedback you have.  There are a number of
> configuration options we can tweak.
> You can do just about everything through the web interface, but I
> recommend using the reviewboard client CLI "rbt" (pip install
> RBTools).
> Keep in mind that this is only a demo.  Though it's mostly complete
> and the  final release will be at the same URL (except SSL-only),
> there are still settings we need to tweak and workflow considerations
> to resolve.
> Consequently, the site will probably be wiped at least once before any
> final release.  So try it out but don't do anything important on
> there.
> -eric
> p.s. Dog food was served.

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