Commented-out tests?

roger peppe rogpeppe at
Mon Sep 8 09:26:29 UTC 2014

On 29 August 2014 20:55, Nate Finch <nate.finch at> wrote:
> Git blame says ask Roger ;)

Sorry about that.

I suspect I commented them out when trying to get some
changeset to pass tests, but forgot to uncomment them
and they were missed in review.

I agree with not leaving commented out tests around,
but I would prefer if the tests were uncommented and
made to pass (fixing whatever is necessary to make
them pass while thinking through to what logic they
were supposed to be testing in the first place).

For the record, the commented out tests were introduced

As a further comment, in the description of that CL, it says
"Still not done: providers still take defaults
from the environment." I suspect that still awaits completion.


PS this is a good example of why it's good to avoid the use of /* */ comments,
even temporarily. If I'd used //, the commented out code would have
been much more obvious.

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