A beginner's adventure in Charm authoring

John Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Thu Sep 4 07:26:11 UTC 2014

> ...

> Have I mentioned how much I hate YAML?  Is it possible to write the config
> in JSON or something instead?  JSON's no picnic either, but at least it
> doesn't care about white space.  I'd recommend TOML, but I doubt the
> conservative dev-ops people would go for it.  Ideally we'd support all
> three (and other formats if people wanted).

Well, you can trivially write it in whatever you want and just have it
converted, right? I do feel like YAML would be more human friendly except
it has so many caveats and different ways to do the same thing.

> The docs on hook tools
> <https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-hook-environment.html#hook-tools> is
> missing one very important piece of information:  "hook tools are
> executables that exist in the $PATH on the machine where the unit is
> deployed" ... it took me a while to understand that these were actual
> executables I could run from my hook's code and not like functions or
> something from somewhere (where?).
> We should document where the charm files are actually deployed on disk.  I
> ended up figuring this out from one of the screenshots of charm debugging
> which had the path shown, but there were times when I just wanted to ssh
> into the machine and make sure the charm was deploying the stuff I thought
> it was deploying.

'juju run --unit=charm/0 bash -i` also gets you where you want to be,
doesn't it? And it sets the environment variables you wanted.

> Deploying a local charm is needlessly complex. Why do I need to create a
> special directory structure, move my code under there, set --repository and
> write local:<foo> and even then it has to go scanning through the
> directory, looking for a charm with the right name in the metadata.yaml.
>  Why can't I just say "deploy the charm in <this> directory"? e.g.   juju
> deploy --local=<path>  Bam, done.

At the very least we need to know what OS Series the charm is targeting.
Which is currently only inferred from the path. I don't particularly like
it, and I think the code that searches your whole repository and then picks
the "best" one is bad, as it confuses people far more often than it is
(If you have $REPO, and have $REPO/precise/charm and
$REPO/precise/charm-backup but the 'revision' number in charm-backup is
higher for whatever reason, juju deploy --repository=$REPO charm will
actually deploy charm-backup)

I'm certainly for "deploy the charm in this directory" as long as we can
sort out a good way to determine the series.

> The docs says the environment variables
> <https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-hook-environment.html#environment-variables> are
> "always available" except... they're not.  They're not when I SSH into the
> machine.  They're not set when I do juju debug-hooks either (at least
> before a hook fires).  The reason this confused me is that most of these
> environment variables seem like they should be static, and could easily
> just be set all the time, so I sort of assumed they were.  Now that I think
> about it, they really can't be set all the time, in the case of
> hulk-smashed charms, etc... but newbie charm authors won't be thinking of
> that. We should make it more clear that these environment variables are
> only available to the code running the hook when the hook is actively
> running.
> Why does the config file for juju-deploy --config need to have
> servicename:  at the beginning of the file?  Of course it's for that
> servicename, that's why I gave it to this deploy command.  If there's no
> top-level value, just assume the whole thing is for this service.  This
> took me a while to figure out... I sort of assumed the config file was just
> an easy shorthand so I didn't have to type a bunch of stuff out on the
> command line.

Its so you can have 1 config file with the configuration for multiple
services, and Juju will pick the one you want at the time you want it. So
you have an "everything.conf" and we grab the service you specified each
At one point that got changed (early in the go-juju lifetime), and got
changed back not the least for compatibility with pyjuju.
I can certainly see the advantage of both.

> It's really annoying to have to type the unit name for debug-hooks, rather
> than just the service.  I don't care what unit, they're all the same,
> right?  And if there's just one (which is most of the time when you're
> debugging), me telling you which unit is spurious anyway... just go to the
> only one that exists.  Also, juju debug-hooks says you're supposed to give
> it the hook name, but it doesn't seem like that actually does anything.  I
> can leave it off and it seems to have the exact same behavior.

I thought if you leave it off it debugs *all* hooks and not just the one.
So if you do "juju debug-hooks unit/0" it will pause on install and started
and config-changed, etc.
If you do "juju debug-hooks config-changed" then it won't break for any of
the other hooks.

> Juju debug-hooks is really confusing:
> When my install hook was broken, and I did juju debug-hooks <unit> install
> ....it brings me into a remote terminal prompt with zero information, no
> files in the local directory, and nothing else to tell me what to do.   I
> went back to look at the docs and it said I had to run juju resolved
> --retry <hook>.  So I exited out of the prompt back to my local machine,
> ran juju resolved --retry install and then ran juju debug-hooks <unit>
> install again and... same stupid thing.  What the docs didn't make clear is
> that I had to leave the debug session open, and then in a different
> terminal on my local machine run juju resolved --retry install, and then...
> boom, hey, look, useful information in my debug-hooks session.  It would
> have been nice if something useful had been printed out there in the first
> place.

Install is actually the hardest hook, because you can't start "juju
debug-hooks" until you have the unit, but by that time install has already
been run. I believe there is an open bug about this, I'm not sure what the
result is.

"juju resolved --retry" is just bad and the current goal is to replace it
with "juju retry".

I believe there has also been a charmers request to be able to trigger a
"juju retry" from within the debug-hooks session.

> Ideally, if there's only one broken hook on one broken service, all I
> should need to do is type "juju debug-hooks" and have it do the right thing
> (which would be the equivalent of the current juju debug-hooks <unit-name>
> <hook> and then in another terminal juju resolved <hook> --retry).
> The text that gets printed out when a hook starts debugging is confusing:
> "You need to execute hooks manually if you want them to run for trapped
> events."
> What does execute them manually mean?  (I presume it means "run the
> script/executable from the command prompt".... but that could be worded
> better.
> What the heck is a trapped event?  I presume it means "a hook that was
> told to fire, but is instead triggering your debugging session".  Why call
> them events here and "hook firing" everywhere else?
> Juju resolved is a bad name for a command... Resolved is an adjective,
> commands should be verbs that tell the computer what to do.  How about juju
> resolve install or at least juju set-resolved install.  Yes, I know some
> DVCS's use resolved as a command too - that doesn't make it a good idea.
> ....All that and I still haven't even gotten into relations at all.  Maybe
> that'll come in a later revision of the charm, and another long email ;)
> -Nate

I certainly appreciate reminding everyone of these things. I think there is
some awareness in some people, but getting a larger audience is great.

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