how to update dependencies.tsv

Nate Finch nate.finch at
Thu Oct 30 09:47:39 UTC 2014

Upstream and origin are very very common in the git world. Most any how to
or stack overflow answer uses those by default. Origin is your repo and
upstream is the repo you branched from.   I started out doing it your way,
Roger, since I agree that information does flow both ways, and naming my
repo after myself made sense, but I got so annoyed with every answer I
looked up using origin and upstream that I changed to just use those terms.

Using standard terms is a good thing so we all know what we're talking
On Oct 30, 2014 4:22 AM, "roger peppe" <roger.peppe at> wrote:

> On 29 October 2014 21:03, Tim Penhey <tim.penhey at> wrote:
> > On 30/10/14 01:11, roger peppe wrote:
> >> A better solution here, which I've been meaning to do for a while,
> >> would be to change godeps so that it can explore all possible
> >> targets. I had a go at that this morning (just adding all tags to
> >> build.Context) but it's not quite as easy as that. I should
> >> be able to fix it soon though.
> >
> > While you are looking at godeps, I don't suppose you can fix it so it
> > looks for the upstream remote?
> As things currently are, godeps doesn't know about any remote
> in particular, and I think that's probably correct - it just uses
> "git fetch" (with no arguments) to fetch, and relies on the
> defaults for that.
> > I was told that we should have the origin remote being our personal
> > github repo and upstream being the team repo.
> I actually think that this is not a great way to configure things.
> When you clone a git repository (for example by doing "go get")
> there is only one remote configured, and that's "origin".
> So if I changed godeps to pull from upstream, it would have to
> fall back to pulling from origin in this, the most common case.
> Personally, I find the very word "upstream" confusing when
> used in this area - information flows both ways. The
> one certainty is that everything is destined for the
> main repo, so naming that "origin" makes sense to me.
> I never create a repo named "upstream" - I have "origin"
> and I name other remotes after github users, e.g. "rogpeppe",
> which seems to scale better when I'm collaborating with
> other people.
> > When godeps tries to pull in new revisions into a repo where I have the
> > remotes set as I was told to, godeps fails to pull in new revisions and
> > I normally do something like:
> >
> >   (cd ../names && git fetch upstream master)
> >
> > Then run the godeps command again.
> All the above said, I don't think there's anything stopping you from using
> this. Just do:
>     git branch --set-upstream-to upstream/master
> and I think it should work (though I haven't actually tried it)
>   cheers,
>     rog.
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