how to update dependencies.tsv

Curtis Hovey-Canonical curtis at
Wed Oct 29 13:02:30 UTC 2014

On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 11:58 PM, John Meinel <john at> wrote:
> can we please just have "make dependencies.tsv" do the right thing so we
> don't have to remember which set of flags and env vars we need to use this
> time?
> I'm also not 100% sure that we'll have even downloaded all the windows
> dependencies if they are a "strict superset" given that you are running "go
> get" on a Linux machine to start with.

I think it works. The release tarball we tested was created on the
juju-ci, the jenkins master, then we built the win client and agent 10
minutes later.

Curtis Hovey
Canonical Cloud Development and Operations

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