What is required to switch back to using the tip of goose ?

John Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri May 16 09:48:22 UTC 2014

AFAIK there is one patch which landed a couple of days ago that changes an
API that used to only return an io.ReadCloser, error that now returns
io.ReadCloser, Headers, error, and we can safely ignore the Headers
(someone else needed it who wanted to use goose).

I think the only reason we aren't running an updated version is because
nobody has cared to do so. I believe it is a 3 character fix for Get() but
I haven't really tested the rest.


On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 12:47 PM, David Cheney
<david.cheney at canonical.com>wrote:

> Why is the Openstack provider pinned to an old version of
> lauchpad.net/goose ?
> What is required to use the latest version ?
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