Juju 1.17.5 is released

John Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Mar 17 08:18:44 UTC 2014

On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 1:11 AM, Curtis Hovey-Canonical
<curtis at canonical.com> wrote:
> juju-core 1.17.5
> A new development release of Juju, juju-core 1.17.5, is now available.
> Getting Juju
> juju-core 1.17.5 is available for trusty and backported to earlier
> series in the following PPA:
>     https://launchpad.net/~juju/+archive/devel
> Upgrading from stable releases to development releases is not
> supported. You can upgrade test environments to development releases
> to test new features and fixes, but it is not advised to upgrade
> production environments to 1.17.5.

I'm very happy to see this built, but we have a small problem with our
process. Specifically:
 1) the juju-1.17.5 client was created and published to the devel ppa
 2) before the jujud 1.17.5 tools were published to streams.canonical.com
 3) juju bootstrap is now lock-step, so 1.17.5 will refuse to
bootstrap anything but a 1.17.4 target
 4) PPAs don't keep a history, so anyone that gets the 1.17.5 binary
can't downgrade (easily) back to 1.17.4 until the tools are finally

Is it possible to gate putting juju client tools into the PPA until
they have been published on streams.canonical.com? I'm guessing we are
still manually publishing to streams.canonical.com, though I know that
is intended to be automated.

I only realized this because we broke the Ubuntu CI guys today. I
managed to get them "up and running" with our dreaded "--upload-tools"


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